Monday, March 25, 2019

buy your Marriage Earrings

3. Value: We could dedicate several articles to talk about costs of wedding rings, but we will attempt to summarize, the most important points to consider are: (Custom pendants)

The Cheap Expenses expensive; that everyone knows and they continue to fall into bad decisions and offers with "traps". For example, DO NOT purchase rings per gram; in 99% of the cases, when they offer you some rings per gram it means that the material used for their rings is reused and its origin is obscure. Some customers show us offers that make them $ 130,000 a gram and with that value they are not able to cover expenses of a workshop that operates legally and buying the gold straightforwardly in mines or refineries. Normally the general population who make these offers offer them gold of 14 carats, or for the sake of 16K gold and they pass them off as 18K gold. To be certain of your supplier, if the proposal is "very good",

Value ranges: If you like the gray/white color in your rings and are in a comfortable financial position, we will always recommend platinum as the main option. To have it as a point of reference, for these rings we recommend having a base budget of approximately $ 3,500,000 pesos for every couple, . Then with a lower cost are the 18K Gold rings, this is a brilliant material and is versatile in colors ; For us it is the ideal combination of cost/quality/extravagance/durability, in this section we recommend having a base budget of $ 1,750,000 pesos for every couple, in fact, there are options from 900 thousand pesos, but these are the least difficult and our customers usually lean toward more vigorous models with diamonds. Finally and as the most economical option for a wedding rings we recommend the silver-palladium alloy , this alloy improves the characteristics of color and resistance to oxidation of traditional silver , for this case, the average budget ought to be around $ 700,000 pesos for each couple of rings.

 Traditional silver is not recommended for wedding rings because they do not have an entirely seniority, they are very easy to oxidize and you have to do a ton of maintenance and you have to remember that the rings ought to be for life. Finally and as the most economical option for a wedding rings we recommend the silver-palladium alloy (90/10), this alloy improves the characteristics of color and resistance to oxidation of traditional silver (law 950 or 925) , for this case, the average budget ought to be around $ 700,000 pesos for every couple of rings. Traditional silver is not recommended for wedding rings because they do not have a quite seniority, they are very easy to oxidize and you have to do a great deal of maintenance and you have to remember that the rings ought to be for life. Finally and as the most economical option for a wedding rings we recommend the silver-palladium alloy (90/10), (Custom Necklaces)

this alloy improves the characteristics of color and resistance to oxidation of traditional silver (law 950 or 925) , for this case, the average budget ought to be around $ 700,000 pesos for every couple of rings. Traditional silver is not recommended for wedding rings because they do not have a really seniority, they are very easy to oxidize and you have to do a great deal of maintenance and you have to remember that the rings ought to be for life.

Diamonds: Diamonds vary in value because of their quality and size, the larger, white and clean they are, the more expensive they will be (as for all natural stones). While including small diamonds in their wedding rings check the quality offered because a diamond with inclusions SI2 or I, are affected in its brightness and is not worth the investment, ask your provider for a guarantee and watch that they are stones with equal proportions (depending on the model) and that really shine.

The finishes: A good jewel is not only measured by the quality of its materials, you can offer gold to a blacksmith and order a jewel but you will never get the same outcome as a specialist jeweler with a workshop outfitted with cutting edge innovation and this is another factor that will definitely affect the value of your jewel as the time, dedication, experience and passion for work (although it sounds buzzword) are worth, and will be reflected in the finished jewels, but how to measure the finishes ? When sending them to do, check the reputation of your provider, check your jewelry if possible, check dimensions, symmetries, terminations, ask for a guarantee of satisfaction if you do not feel very safe, this way if you are given a round ring but disproportionate, with pores, with faults, with nails or screwy diamonds,

Cost/benefit/guarantee ratio: When buying your wedding rings, it is not simply an issue of value, take the time to verify the relationship between the value, the brand, the benefits and the guarantees offered by the provider. If a jewelery shop is not able to offer a guarantee on its jewels, it ought not be believed, then it is necessary to survey how these guarantees are supported, since the paper can stand it all, at this point we recommend reading the warranties carefully, requesting them in writing, reviewing the reputation Have the company on social networks and read the testimonials of other customers. In general terms, the guarantees must cover them:

Authenticity of materials

Manufacturing defects

Setting of the stones


The wedding rings are forever, so within your possibilities make a valuable investment in some worthwhile jewelry, with a supplier that you trust and with which you feel supported, preferably do not stray into the red, but if it goes to do we recommend you do not do it in more than 60% of the total value you want to invest.

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